

Create your own path

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Our Promise


Living evokes the organizational caring mindset that makes Cominar a place where people want to work and stay.

We encourage you to nurture your wellbeing on a daily basis, and we take an interest in every facet of your health. We celebrate happy moments, support you through difficult times, and give you the space to fully experience them. We encourage a responsible approach based on trust and flexibility. And because life is also about having fun, we liven up your daily office life with unique and exciting events!

Living +

  • Flexible and comprehensive group insurance plan
  • Paid day off for birthday
  • Flexible schedules and hybrid work options
  • Contests, team meals, happy hours, and more informal gatherings with colleagues
  • Life events program
  • Cominar Wellness Month
  • Résonance engagement survey


Exploring is a state of mind, a way of doing things, and the understanding that sometimes we must dare to take calculated risks.

Our actions, our events, and our presence are all results of this ongoing exploration, which we nurture knowing that it will enable us to achieve our ambitions. We offer a positive employee experience that benefits the community. We proudly show our colours, assert our presence in the industry, design unique events, and recruit the very best talents.

Exploring +

  • Signature events
  • Career evolution opportunities
  • Lunch and learn meetings hosted by fellow employees
  • Social engagement in our communities
  • Grands cœurs Committee


Growing is above all synonymous with professional development. We’re interested in the person as a whole.

We multiply opportunities to foster and enrich learning. And we never forget to recognize the commitment, loyalty, and achievements of our employees. Our shopping centre initiatives and internal campaigns are all opportunities for you to grow and thrive.

Growing +

  • Ongoing, tailor-made training
  • Our performance management cycle, focused on growth and development
  • Exchange-Based Performance Management
  • Lab des leaders
  • Mentorship and coaching opportunities program
  • Employee recognition program


We can’t expect the extraordinary from our exceptional talents by just offering them the ordinary. So, we’re committed to you – to your success and well-being, which will ensure ours in return.

And we do so through a unique, humane and wonderful employee experience. Because, after all, the essential component of our success is you.

Because, after all, the essential component of our success is you.

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