Cominar recently designed and deployed an omni-channel marketing campaign to assist our retailers in their recruitment efforts.
Through this initiative, we wish to make our services available to retailers, support them in their recruitment efforts, and increase their visibility. The retail labour shortage is a difficult reality that requires a collaborative approach between Cominar and its retailers. In doing so, we also contribute to making our shopping centres dynamic everyday destinations that meet the needs of our visitors.
Because our shopping centres are rallying places, we felt it was crucial to create both a digital and physical campaign. The versatility of our visual materials allowed them to be adapted to multiple broadcasting mediums in both cases. In our centres, visitors will see the campaign’s neo-traffics (digital screens), posters and billboards. Online, users of the main social networking platforms will be informed through a variety of publications that are straight to the point.
We believe that the diversity of our retailers represents a wealth of job opportunities and roles that will suit many age groups at all stages of their career. It is this diversity that we sought to highlight in this campaign. The language used in the campaign is adapted to the three targeted age groups.
Visuals featured in this campaign are used creatively. Stripes on the posters reflect the chevrons of the iconic Cominar logo and symbolize the social ties within the tightly knit communities that our customers belong to. Side by side, stripes on the posters evoke the proximity and accessibility of our stores and services. It was important to the marketing team that the images chosen included represent authentic emotions for our customers to recognize themselves. Our shopping centres are places of interaction, where our customers feel represented.
This campaign contributes to raising Cominar’s brand awareness, but more importantly, it supports its retailers with tailored and timeless tools that they can use at any time. In addition, the range of roles to be filled demonstrates the complementary uses which defines our philosophy.