On International Women’s Day, we are extremely pleased to announce that Cominar has obtained Bronze Parity Certification for a second year! Women in Governance has been offering this certification since 2018 to promote the representation of women in leadership positions within Canadian companies. Each participating company is evaluated using a list of 75 quantitative and qualitative criteria developed in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and the Order of Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR).
This recognition is a testament to our commitment to promote and enhance diversity and inclusion in our teams, as well as our drive to foster a work environment where everyone has a voice. This commitment is reflected in our concrete results: nearly half of Cominar's management are women, and the executive team is composed of 40% female talent. Every day, Cominar makes it its mission to create a caring and welcoming work environment where all talents can flourish.
“I am proud to take part in the evolution of our society as a woman, mother and real estate professional. On March 8, I celebrate the progress made over the past few decades, but I am also concerned about the number of women leaving high-level positions. Organizations need female leadership, and we need to reconsider our ways of doing and thinking so that organizations better reflect women’s aspirations and ambitions,” said Sandra Lécuyer, Chief Culture and Brand Officer at Cominar.
On International Women’s Day, let’s pay tribute to our predecessors and continue to build inclusive organizations and societies together!