Cominar donated a cheque for $185 000 during the 32nd annual Opération Enfant Soleil telethon, which was the culmination of a 2nd edition of its Forest of Stars fundraising initiative. Cominar was able to surpass its initial goal of $180 000.
“The resounding success of Cominar’s Forest of Stars was made possible by the efforts and generosity of over 150 partner-donors, more than a hundred volunteers, thousands of customers, and the dedication of the employees in our 18 shopping centres,” explained Caroline Lacroix, Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Cominar. Maxime Landry and Annie Brocoli, official spokespeople of the campaign, also took part in several activations during Cominar’s Forest of Stars, which took place in all of the organizations shopping centres.
Cominar will continue to raise funds for the benefit of Opération Enfant Soleil and will launch its 3rd edition of its Forest of Stars in September. The 2019-2020 edition will be revamped—but will continue to bring people together for a good cause!
For more details on Cominar’s Forest of Stars, visit: foretdetoilescominar.com.