Overview of the Situation at Cominar
Cominar continues to apply the directives and recommendations issued by the various relevant and competent authorities and we are constantly monitoring the evolution of the situation in order to adjust quickly and efficiently. The health and safety of our customers, our tenants and our employees remain paramount in these particular circumstances.
Our shopping centers
Further to the March 22nd announcement by the government of Quebec, we have closed our shopping malls to the public until May 1st.
Only our retailers of essential goods and services will continue to operate and remain accessible. Additional information on opening hours and access to these retailers can be found on our shopping center websites.
Our properties and construction sites
Cominar will follow the Quebec government’s instructions announced on Monday, March 23, regarding the closure of our properties and construction sites.
We had previously shared to our properties' medical clinics our protocol for the reception and treatment of people with symptoms of COVID-19 in order to put in place all the relevant prevention measures.
Our employees
We have completed our work from home protocol this week. Only staff dedicated to maintaining essential goods and services will continue to perform their duties at their usual place of work.
We believe that stopping the spread of COVID-19 rests, first and foremost, on the sum of our collective actions and we are ready to continue to implement any necessary measures to contribute to this common goal.